پرایم – پشتیبانی از حقوق مهاجران در هلند و اروپا

PRIME acts to improve the situation of refugees and asylum seekers. PRIME supports migrants’ own initiatives to humanize the asylum and migration policies of The Netherlands and Europe. PRIME is committed to improving the situation of asylum seekers, of refugees and of those who have been rejected by the asylum system, as well as of undocumented people (les sans papiers). PRIME’s main goal is to work together with people in new situations to enable them to improve their position in the wider community, and to secure their basic rights. PRIME’s concern with refugees and undocumented people has involved us in working with people from many different regions of the world, and from countries like Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Congo, Georgia, Eritrea, Pakistan, Nigeria and Turkey.

To achieve its goals, PRIME works with a range of other organizations likewise dedicated to improving the migration policies of The Netherlands and Europe. PRIME also supports refugees to organize their own campaigns for dignity and respect in the wider society. Refugees and migrants, by working together, campaigning, seek to improve asylum policies of government and make them more humane. PRIME also supports the establishment by migrants and refugees of their own self-organized groups and associations, to champion their rights. All our workers are volunteers, which means that 100 per cent of your contributions will go to our basic costs including rent, heating, communication and research costs. We spend nothing on staff or on costly public relations.

You too can support PRIME in a time of crisis, when everyone is concerned with the ‘refugee crisis’ in Europe. For PRIME this has been a crisis for more than twenty years. We will continue to support refugees however we can, as a small campaigning organization. So when you decide to help PRIME continue its work, your gifts and donations can be declared in your tax return and are tax deductible. For many who come to PRIME or phone us, PRIME is their last hope. Very often then have exhausted all other avenues of support. Daily PRIME activities you would be helping to fund, include:

  • Opening the premises at Zieken 143 in The Hague, Monday to Friday from 13.00-17.00.
  • Being available with or without appointment during these times for client enquiries.
  • A food bank which operates from the PRIME office every Thursday afternoon.
  • Phone calls for people in immigration detention, who face deportation or health issues, or need to be put in touch with a lawyer.
    Advice on housing, health care, legal support, education and campaigns.